Mar 25, 2010

Malai in Hong Kong

Yup! I am back in Malaysia from Hong Kong just after Najib Razak the Prime Minister who attended the 13th Asian Investment Conference hosted by Credit Suisse. This conference which is seen as a prelude to the kick off of the Hong Kong Sevens Rugby Tournament, a sporting carnival like event distinctive to Hong Kong. Credit Suisse is also one of the major sponsors of the Hong Kong Sevens tournament together with Cathay Pacific.

Will give you a run down of the conference in another posting and as for now a quick post of one of the after meeting refreshments with the investment bankers of Hong Kong in one of the impressive club right in the middle of Central Hong Kong Island in Prince's Building right on the top floor.

This Club Restaurant named the "Sevva" (pronounced as "Sevor") has a spectacular view of the Hong Kong with an indoor restaurant and a huge outdoor terrace and smoking is allowed (outdoor of course)! Hong Kong is now pretty strict on this non smoking laws they have here on this crowded island and smoking is ban in many places and even in outdoor parks and gardens.

The photos you see here are all taken from the Sevva so enjoy the photos and meanwhile an extract of the conversation with some of the international Bankers here in Hong Kong at the "Sevva".

There were some chit chat on the global economic scenario and up until when one of the Malaysian who is based in HK interjectted with a question on Malaysia and anyway in Hong Kong all Malaysian are refered to as malay or "malai" in cantonese and the Hongkees called themselves just that, if you were to ask a hongkee if he were chinese he will tell you that he is a hongkee and all Malaysians are refered to a "malai" or malay, as simple as that, no confusion.

(Was enjoying a "Kronigen" and puffing a cuban at a cool 18 degree with the gentle spring breeze carassing you and a spectacular panoramic view of one of the most vibrant city at your foot.)

An extract of the conversation:

1 malai ask: "So what about having an office in KL?"

All: "Laugh Out Loud"

banker A said: "I am not going to be in charge of that office!

banker B: "We will have to recruit a priest to take charge of the office!"

banker A: "Make sure there are no kids around.."

All: "Laugh"

1malai ask: "What's wrong with KL?"

2malai said: "They dont want to go to jail for having Sex!"

All: LOL

1malai: "Its ok you can have sex there, just do it with the others not the muslims."

banker B: "Won't be able to tell after a few drinks"

2malai: "You will still go to jail with any race if you are oral."

1malai: "You mean to say cannot even talk about sex ah?"

banker A: "No you cannot stick out your tongue in the process."

All: LOL

1malai: "But that "soil leg" did it what.. i saw! (the video) and yet nothing happen to him, somemore now want to be president.. "

2malai: : "Because now his new lawyer is Lingam."

Note: 1malai has been based in HK a long time.

Prince's Building 25th Floor,
Chater Road, Central, Hong Kong.
Tel: 25371388


Anonymous said...

Malaysia is a big joke to the outside world and is the subject of jokes in parties and dinners.
What with all the retarded ministers and umnoputras attempt to cheat and mislead the people. And all the umnoputras and ministers are multi millionaires and we all know how they made all this millions.

hong kong sevens said...

nice hong kong night view
