Sep 24, 2008

Malaysia fall in the Corruption Perception Index 2008

Denmark, Sweden and New Zealand share the honour of the World's best transparent countries and our little giant neighbour Singapore is 2nd highest in terms of CPI score at 9.2 and rank fourth in the world. These are the places where officials are least likely to lined their pocket.

Malaysia fell four (4) notches to rank no. 47 in the year 2008 with a score of 5.1 which is just above the benchmark score of 5.0 for "serious corruption score" and was at rank no. 44 in year 2007 and reflect the progress of this nation of ours.

The CPI is a reflection of how corrupt a country is and as you can see in the table here is that the least corrupt countries are also the most healthiest country in terms of economic health and wealth and generally most democratic.

Transparency International (TI) also separately ranked the countries surveyed by region and Singaporec was ranked second among a total of32 Asia-Pacific countries and territories. With 22 out of the 32 countries in theAsia-Pacific scoring below 5, TI said the scores indicate a serious corruption problem in these countries’ public sectors. The watchdog added that corruption and the lack of transparency, particularlyin political financing, remain serious challenges across the Asia-Pacific region.

Prof. Johann Graf Lambsdorff of the University of Passau, who carries out the Index for TI, underscored the disastrous effects of corruption and gains from fighting it, saying, "Evidence suggests that an improvement in the CPI by one point [on a 10-point scale] increases capital inflows by 0.5 per cent of a country's gross domestic product and average incomes by as much as 4 per cent."

“Stemming corruption requires strong oversight through parliaments, law enforcement, independent media and a vibrant civil society,” said Labelle. “When these institutions are weak, corruption spirals out of control with horrendous consequences for ordinary people, and for justice and equality in societies more broadly.” - Huguette Labelle - Chair of Transparency International

Here are the Top 20 Rankings:

1. Denmark 9.3
1. Sweden 9.3
1. New Zealand 9.3
4. Singapore 9.2
5. Finland 9.0
5. Switzerland 9.0
7. I celand 8.9
7. Netherlands 8.9
9. Australia 8.7
9. Canada 8.7
11. Luxembourg 8.3
12. Austria 8.1
12. Hong Kong 8.1
14. Germany 7.9
14. Norway 7.9
16. Ireland 7.7
16. United Kingdom 7.7
18. United States 7.3
18. Japan 7.3
18. B elgium 7.3

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