Jul 23, 2008

Why are the people angry?

Why are the people hungry?
Because you crush them with unreasonable high cost,
That is why they have nothing:

Why are the people angry?
Because of injustice and you endlessly impose your oppressive laws,
That is why they can’t take anymore:

And why aren’t they scared of death?
Because you are rapacious and you want power and everything,
So what have they got left to lose?
(saying of a 3 thousand years old wise man)


Anonymous said...

People is angry because there is no rule of law here. Only rule by law and all and sundry are subservient to the executive.


Anonymous said...

The people is angry because there is no rule of law in this country, only rule by law. And all and sundry is subservient to the executive.


Unknown said...

well said Ben,
The laws are just palin oppressive to the people. This have got to change.
